Inside Search

Thursday, October 25, 2012


See on seni ainus eestikeelne postitus ja nii see ilmselt ka jääb.
Minu kohta, et:
Ma olen 16-aastane poiss. Äärmiselt rahulik ja vist ka maheda häälega(ise määrata on keeruline).
Mul ei ole vähimaidki eelarvamusi soo, vanuse, religiooni ega millegi muu taolise suhtes.
Ma olen selline inimene, kellega saab rääkida ükskõik millest. Absoluutselt kõigest.
Juhuks kui keegi tahab rääkida, siis mu MSN on

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Come undone

I am not so sure in myself anymore. I can clearly see, that I've become ignorant and stubborn. I can read it from my mind. I don't want to be like that.
Yet, everything is quite about perfect, so i have no idea why I am so depressed all the time. What more can I wish, if i have everything? I have the world, but that doesn't change anything.
The world inside me is still the same. It will corrupt me if i don't stand against it. I don't mean that it would make me "evil", just that it could hold me back. Could stop me from being free.
I feel that I've been imprisoned by myself.
I feel cut up inside.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The happiness of existence... or something

As the heading suggests, i really am happy. I have almost everything that i want. Some of those things i've wanted for so long..
I'm even doing well at school. If anyone needs help, then just ask.
Once again i have no clue of what to write, so i'll just put down some facts:
Favourite band: The Used
Favourite song: Listening(live, by The Used)
Favourite haircut: Hard to describe, but it's what you see when i have short hair.
Religion: Agnostic(prove it and i believe)
Philosophy: Altruism(of social philosophy)

Okay, now i have a little idea.
I like to think that i'm very selfless. I do things to help others without expecting anything in return. I do it because i want to.
I am unsocial if there's more than 3 people around. At least usually. Some people count as more than 1, some don't at all.
It's very difficult to annoy or bore me. For a year only 2 people have made me angry. Although more have made me upset, but that's not the same.
I am an increasingly fast learner. It usually takes little effort for me to learn new things.
However, i'm lazy, so it balances out.
I've only recently started to use emotes at a normal rate, i used to put all emotions into text. I do not regret it.
I'm a generator of ideas. It can sometimes make me boring, as the constant flow of ideas can quickly trash people's minds.